Parties in a bankruptcy case must pay a fee when filing certain documents, including a petition. The same fees apply nationwide. Click here for a list of the fees.
A pro se debtor must pay his or her filing fees by a cashier's check or a money order. The cashier's check or money order should be made payable to "Clerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court." A pro se debtor may not pay bankruptcy fees by personal check or credit card. Cash is accepted only if it is the exact amount of the fee being paid and is delivered in person to the Bankruptcy Clerk's office in Pierre or Sioux Falls. Cash should not be mailed to the Bankruptcy Clerk.
Any individual debtor may file an application to pay the petition filing fee in installments. The debtor must file the application at the same time he or she files their petition. See Official Form 103A. Click here for the form.
Some individual debtors with low income may qualify to have fees waived. Eligibility is determined by comparing the debtor's family size and income to certain national poverty guidelines. The debtor must file an application to request the waiver. See 28 U.S.C. § 1930(f), Official Form 103B, and the national poverty guidelines. The debtor must file the application at the same time he or she files their petition. Click here to read 28 U.S.C. § 1930. Click here for Official Form 103B. Click here for the national poverty guidelines.