CM/ECF is the federal court's electronic filing, serving, and noticing system. The acronym stands for "Case Management/Electronic Case Files." CM/ECF creates an electronic docket that may be viewed by anyone who has internet access and is registered to use PACER, which stands for "Public Access to Court Electronic Records." CM/ECF also allows the Court and parties to electronically file and electronically serve and give notice of documents, perform searches, and produce different lists, reports, and calendars. Each court maintains its own case information locally. To learn more about electronic filing, click here. To learn more about electronic notice and service, click here.
Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) is a centralized, electronic program that allows the public to access case and docket information from federal appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts. User fees may apply. PACER also includes a case locator feature. To read more about PACER, register to use it, search for a case, and manage your PACER account, click here.
The CM/ECF program was recently updated. It's called NextGen CM/ECF. To learn more about NextGen and about updating your PACER account to use NextGen, click here.